Friday, January 16, 2009

Planet Antares Outlines Need For Uniform DEX Standards

These days, it has become common practice for vending operators to blame equipment manufacturers for not doing enough to standardize their DEX hardware and software.

Many people agree with the view that manufacturers did not adopt a set of standards and these are too broad. Different manufacturers have different understandings about the ways of sending information.

As a result, a few vending operators including Planet Antares vending operators are demanding more stringent DEX standards to be adopted by NAMA. This has been supported by several equipment manufacturers. They agree that standards can be improved to a certain extent. In the initial usage of DEX, Some of the operators have faced problems.

In certain cases, the DEX standards have been too broad. It may be possible to sort out problems faced by some Planet Antares vending operators with the help of more stringent DEX standards.
According to manufacturers, not all machines require the same type of data. Similarly, all customers do not want the same information from the machine. There is risk of extra cost in excessive standardization without providing any additional benefits.

One major point that needs to be understood is that standardization will not always assure Planet Antares vending operators that manufacturers will abide by new protocols. Manufacturers of equipment indicate non compliance with existing DEX standards by competitors. They have pointed out that the task of gathering data in a usable form is one that should be handled by the software company only.

In the end, it is a matter of debate whether minimum standards are essential, since many protocols are already being followed for the sake of convenience and simplicity.
Among others, Planet Antares vending machines also apply certain DEX standards. These include:

  • Coin mechanical fields
  • Coin to tube
  • Coin to coin box
  • Coin from tubes
  • Total coins
  • Cash from validator
  • Total vends
  • Total cash

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