Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fuel Saving On Vending Business Operations

The problem of high fuel costs is being faced by almost all the vending businesses. There seems to be a constant rise in cost of fuel. A vending operation always uses a vehicle to transport products from the base to the locations.

If you are running a Planet Antares vending business from your home, you would be using your personal vehicle. On the other hand, if you are running your business from a warehouse, you will be using a vending truck since it is more spacious.

For sizeable Planet Antares vending business, you will probably have to hire a route driver. A route driver can easily waste the fuel of a vending truck by using it for personal reasons. This would be added cost for your vending business. Your fuel usage may increase due to lack of maintenance of the vending machines. That is why you need to look for ways of saving fuel.

Planet Antares vending operators should be aware that technology offers new ways to save fuel, but these are long term and not short term solutions. However, technology will require an upfront investment.

One technology that some operators have added in their vending operations is satellite-based fleet monitoring, known as Global Positioning Systems (GPS). This system can improve operating efficiencies and employee accountability. This allows you to save fuel in several ways, like: 1) they allow you to know if there is any unauthorized use of the vehicle; 2) they make it easier to determine more efficient routing; and 3) it allows you to monitor the speed of the drivers.

Alternative fuel
Another long term solution for your Planet Antares vending operations is to use alternative fuel. Today, propane is less expensive than either diesel or gasoline. This is just one fuel option that you can use in your vending business so that you can cut down on the amount of money you spend on fuel. Vending operators need to consider performance differences when looking at alternative fuels.

Fuel saving tips for route drivers
1) Keep tires properly inflated because under inflated tires can decrease fuel economy.
2) Drive at a steady pace. Unnecessary speed-ups, slowdowns and stops can decrease fuel economy.
3) Perform maintenance checks according to schedule.
4) Avoid lengthy engine idling. Turn the engine off when you are delayed for more then a couple of minutes.

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